Week 13 Part 1

Effective Advertising: The 5 brands that I researched: Gruntstyle, American Apparel, Vitaly, lululemon, and Ten Thousand. Each company had effective advertising. 

Examples: The best way to advertise to me is visually. What always catches my attention is videos of stuff or pictures. When looking through each company I focused on surfing through Instagram and came across a lot of good stuff.  Gruntstyle uses pictures and videos on their Instagram, but what really stood out to me was their pictures with white font title at the bottom of the picture (advertising what they're selling). No pictures that made me want to immediately respond. No annoying ads. all about imagery.
American Apparel: What stood out to me the most while scrolling through their Instagram was a picture of EDC Orlando (EDC festival/concert). This photo really caught my attention because it was colorful and popping. One post that had a call-to-action was this post of an Asian dude wearing a tee-shirt that said: Diversity, Transgender, Evidence-based, fetus, entitlement, and vulnerable. I thought this was kind of a weird shirt to advertise, but it could be effective with sales. No annoying ads. All about imagery. 
Vitaly: One of my favorite websites throughout each website I listed. What draws my attention is the really dope photos that they have on their Instagram and all of the merchandise they have people modeling in their photos. One of their posts that elicited a call to action was their video of a giveaway for reaching half a million followers. No annoying ads. All about imagery. 
lululemon: What draws my attention from lululemon's posts are the videos of people working out and the lululemon ambassador's. One of their photos of call to action was an anticipated run of over 200 people running in -6 degrees weather. Yes they use imagery. No annoying ads. 
Ten Thousand: What draws my attention from Ten Thousand's posts are the pictures of people mid workout. One of their really cool call-to-action posts was a video of about 20 people wearing the same clothing all working out in their apparel. No annoying ads. All about imagery. 
SOCIAL MEDIA IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING. Billboard somewhat. Newspapers= not anymore. 


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